Fall into Grace

Thursday, June 14, 2007

well meaning advice

Ever notice how people always want to give you advice when things are going bad in your life. And how that advice changes based on what you are doing already.

For example, I'm pretty tired of being alone. I would like a little romantic company. I have actively tried dating from time to time. It's usually a disaster. So I have set it aside and ignored it for a while thinking it would just happen. And nothing happened. So I go back to trying just to get another set of disasters. Sigh.

So now.... Sometimes I look. Sort of. And if someone catches my eye, then I pursue it cautiously. It never really works out though.

When I complain about it, friends will say, well don't try so hard. OK.... I'm trying hard? I am open to what might come along. I want it. But I'm not spending much time or energy on it. When I totally ignore it, just waiting for something to happen on it's own then people say to me, well you have to get out there and try. Meet people. I get out and try and nothing good happens and those same people say, well stop trying to hard.


In the end, I feel like nothing I do one way or the other will change things. I can get out and meet people and try to date and have nothing happen ever for the rest of my life. But if it's meant to be, I can stay home, never go out, and still have Mr. Right show up on my doorstep.

Maybe it's all about fate and I'm a fool for thinking anything I do can affect change.


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